Saturday, November 2, 2019

Cued Speech: What it is and What it isn't.

There is a lot of controversy in the Deaf communities and Interpreting communities about cued speech. Cued speech is a method of communication/learning that is like captioning for the mouth. For a full explanation of cued speech, here is the link.

Cued speech is often used in the school settings when teaching the child basic English language skills. Cued speech has been proven to help teach Deaf kids how to read and write. It can also help with English language development. HOWEVER, not all Deaf kids can learn to speak. That is important to remember when using ANY oral or signed system.

Cued Speech is NOT its own language and should not be used as one. Cued is showing English on the face, or like I said before, captions on the face. It simply helps with lipreading and phonics. Like anything, it is not an End All, Be All type of thing.

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