Wednesday, July 22, 2020

When Trying for a Baby Hurts

Me and my husband have only been married since June. We have been trying for a baby since we've been married. I know that some people cannot get pregnant for several months, but it is still painful. Here is why:

My husband's mother recently asked if we were trying for a baby, almost implying that there is something wrong with either of us if we can't right away. I have friends asking when I am getting pregnant, as if we were not trying. 

Everything is in God's timing and I know that. But it doesn't make it hurt less when you cannot live up to expectations. Then, of course, there is the heartbreak that goes along with it. This time I was excited and I will be honest, my hopes were up pretty high. They came crashing down and I've been depressed all of this morning. I sent my husband, who is at work, a text letting him know I wasn't. That is also a source of sadness for me, he really wants us to have a baby. It broke his heart last time when I wasn't pregnant. Now I dread letting him know just because I know it will hurt.

Today I have four classes to teach. I'm also not feeling well physically, so I may need to skip the last two. The first two I have to teach, one is a one time class and the other, it's only the second class. So, I want to be sure that I teach the second and third before I even think about missing due to pain or illness. 

If you are a friend or family member who is constantly asking when someone is going to get pregnant, please reconsider. Some people are infertile or have trouble having a baby. Asking if people are "even trying" is not only insensitive, it's rude. It causes more pain than anything, it doesn't really help. 

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