Wednesday, December 11, 2019

End of semester scramble

At the end of the semester, life starts to get a little crazy. I managed to finish all my ASL work before 12 today and I now only have two finals left. Both are written assignments and are due next week. I am going home today where I don't have internet, so I was making sure all the stuff due this week was turned in.

I am also transferring to a different college within my university, so I will be graduating in the spring. Between that and all my finals, life has gotten a little crazy. I also have a gastroenterology appointment on Friday and then next week I leave for Texas to visit my family for Christmas break.

I am still coughing from my previous illness, so I could use some prayers. My cough is mostly due to my lungs recovering at this point. I have asthma and my lung recovery tends to take a little longer than most people.

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