Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Going home

For Christmas this year I am going home. Where is home for me? Texas. It feels funny for me to call Texas home again, but life gets weird sometimes. My family moved during the first couple months of the semester. So, now Texas is my home yet again.

My parents and siblings went as far as to say I didn't need to buy them anything. That all they wanted was for me to come home. Am I buying presents anyway? Of course. In my opinion, my presence may be nice, but I still love bringing gifts.

I'm ready to see my family and friends down south. I am also ready to meet new friends and try to become re-acquainted with the church I knew.

However, packing has been interesting. I made myself a list and I am almost finished packing. I have some stuff in my car that I need to get out before I go home tomorrow. Friday morning I fly out freakishly early, so I'm going to my current hometown to get a ride from a church member there.

I am afraid of flying. For Christmas I am flying alone to Texas. I have never done that before and am terrified. I trust that God will get me there safe, but I have a tendency towards worry. Which is a vice I need to get over. My father said he would call me when I landed at a large airport so he could talk me through it.

My adventure in interpreting is almost over, but I am keeping this blog. My adventures with the Deaf, Deaf people, and Deaf culture is never going to run out. I'm simply switching gears until I can get a handle on where I am supposed to be. 

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